Tag: social https://info.cousinjimmys.com/taxonomy/term/16/all en Isle McElroy Swears by Bar Goto’s Celery https://info.cousinjimmys.com/isle-mcelroy-swears-bar-goto%E2%80%99s-celery <img src="https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/85d/990/431326e5c4b04aadf9713e2e5074850fed-grub-street-isle-mcelroy-portrait.2x.rhorizontal.w710.jpg"> Illustration: Maanvi Kapur <p><em>The title of Isle McElroy’s sophomore novel, </em>People Collide,<em> reflects the larger themes of the book: body-switching, self-expression, learning to navigate the world in a new way. But it could also be described as a testament to how McElroy spends their days. “I definitely orient my life around hanging out,” they say, laughing.<p><a href="https://info.cousinjimmys.com/isle-mcelroy-swears-bar-goto%E2%80%99s-celery" target="_blank">read more</a></p> apple New York small social Fri, 27 Sep 2024 10:00:38 +0000 admin 752632 at https://info.cousinjimmys.com Everything Is a Kids Menu Now https://info.cousinjimmys.com/everything-kids-menu-now <img src="https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/fb6/daf/ec6fca6fc6838c64b387c714c36ec8f086-GettyImages-1388414549.2x.rhorizontal.w710.jpg"> Photo: Getty Images <p>The other night at a new Manhattan restaurant, I ate a bowl of soft ricotta gnudi under a blanket of salty Parmesan cream. There were some mushrooms and the requisite black truffle somewhere in there, but the pleasure of this dish was so uncomplicated and gentle that I wouldn’t even use the overworked phrase “mac ’n’ cheese for grown-ups” to describe it. This was more elemental.<p><a href="https://info.cousinjimmys.com/everything-kids-menu-now" target="_blank">read more</a></p> social Thu, 26 Sep 2024 11:00:24 +0000 admin 752605 at https://info.cousinjimmys.com Kellogg’s Diner Is More Timely Than Timeless, for Now https://info.cousinjimmys.com/kellogg%E2%80%99s-diner-more-timely-timeless-now <img src="https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/c78/4d7/230948c5209ca9c05c239bb5c52998c663--M0A9204-Final.2x.rhorizontal.w710.jpg"> Photo: Jeremy Liebman <p>To everything, there is a season, and to every season, there is a diner. It’s an odd irony that the most long-lived of restaurants — good diners are aged in decades, not years — can feel so particular to a particular time of life. Proust had his madeleines; I have my cheese fries.<p><a href="https://info.cousinjimmys.com/kellogg%E2%80%99s-diner-more-timely-timeless-now" target="_blank">read more</a></p> management New York social Wed, 25 Sep 2024 12:00:17 +0000 admin 752554 at https://info.cousinjimmys.com The Art Bar Goes Vegan Above Eleven Madison Park https://info.cousinjimmys.com/art-bar-goes-vegan-above-eleven-madison-park <img src="https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/b12/9e9/e428ee1e61d8dc01be166870016029d0c5--DSC4051.2x.rhorizontal.w710.jpg"> Photo: Hugo Yu <p>It’s been nearly 80 years since the doors swung open on <a href="https://www.rosewoodhotels.com/en/the-carlyle-new-york/dining/bemelmans-bar">Bemelmans Bar</a>, the Upper East Side’s sui generis marriage of permanent art — the wall murals of Ludwig Bemelmans — and artful drinking. Inside the Carlyle Hotel, Bemelmans has in recent years started to draw an increasingly young crowd — could the city be ready for another such space?<p><a href="https://info.cousinjimmys.com/art-bar-goes-vegan-above-eleven-madison-park" target="_blank">read more</a></p> energy New York social Tue, 24 Sep 2024 14:05:43 +0000 admin 752529 at https://info.cousinjimmys.com A Final Trip to Stock Up at Perelandra https://info.cousinjimmys.com/final-trip-stock-perelandra <img src="https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/f94/abb/e4fd37d05f46b3b9738a45fa45801a27ee-KMP-9600-PERELANDRA-20170119-KImberly-Mu.2x.rhorizontal.w710.jpg"> Photo: Perelandra <p>On Friday morning, “Love Stinks,” by the J. Geils Band, was playing inside <a href="https://www.perelandranatural.com/">Perelandra</a> while customers shuffled around the increasingly empty aisles. A young mother examined a bag of Counter Culture coffee while, a few aisles away, the juice bar’s smoothie machine whirred away. Another customer asked an employee about the lack of products.<p><a href="https://info.cousinjimmys.com/final-trip-stock-perelandra" target="_blank">read more</a></p> New York social stock Mon, 23 Sep 2024 16:20:04 +0000 admin 752508 at https://info.cousinjimmys.com At the Otter, Alex Stupak Does Seafood https://info.cousinjimmys.com/otter-alex-stupak-does-seafood <img src="https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/6aa/659/5185592fc2da4fe77b4f008194ca65101a-TheOtter-YudiEla-02-Group.2x.rhorizontal.w710.jpg"> Photo: Yudi Ela <p>The most important thing to know about the lobster roll that Alex Stupak will make at his new seafood restaurant, <a href="https://www.theotter.nyc/">the Otter</a>, is that it is, in his words, “not creative.” Each roll starts with a one-and-a-half-pound lobster, broken down into tail, knuckle, and claw meat. The shell is used to infuse lobster butter, to dress only certain parts of the meat.<p><a href="https://info.cousinjimmys.com/otter-alex-stupak-does-seafood" target="_blank">read more</a></p> electric money New York social stock Mon, 23 Sep 2024 12:00:50 +0000 admin 752500 at https://info.cousinjimmys.com Chloe Fineman Got Hooked on Pedialyte This Summer https://info.cousinjimmys.com/chloe-fineman-got-hooked-pedialyte-summer <img src="https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/7ad/28c/0abc11e2def1a0b9b392bbdcece47f6134-grub-street-diet-chloe-fineman.2x.rhorizontal.w710.jpg"> Illustration: Margalit Cutler <p><em>At any given moment, </em>Saturday Night Live<em>’s Chloe Fineman has her apartment stocked with Swedish banana-chocolate Bubs, strawberry licorice, and gummies galore. A couple of years ago, she started making a candy bowl whenever her best friend would come to visit. Now, it’s become her signature. “I don’t buy flowers,” she says, laughing.<p><a href="https://info.cousinjimmys.com/chloe-fineman-got-hooked-pedialyte-summer" target="_blank">read more</a></p> apple energy New York personal social Fri, 20 Sep 2024 10:00:42 +0000 admin 752455 at https://info.cousinjimmys.com Bridges Opens With Eel Dumplings and Comté Tart https://info.cousinjimmys.com/bridges-opens-eel-dumplings-and-comt%C3%A9-tart <img src="https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/1fd/0c6/88254be3684fe6dd6b612dbe1dcad53fc9-Bridges-Eric-Helgas-04.2x.rhorizontal.w710.jpg"> Photo: Eric Helgas <p>The chef Sam Lawrence has been thinking about pastry crust. The Melbourne native had worked in Paris and Hong Kong before ultimately landing a job as chef de cuisine at <a href="https://estelanyc.com/">Estela</a>.<p><a href="https://info.cousinjimmys.com/bridges-opens-eel-dumplings-and-comt%C3%A9-tart" target="_blank">read more</a></p> oil social Thu, 19 Sep 2024 14:05:04 +0000 admin 752435 at https://info.cousinjimmys.com Cafe Mado Is a Worthy Return to Locavore Cooking https://info.cousinjimmys.com/cafe-mado-worthy-return-locavore-cooking <img src="https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/f46/fe9/af0334ab09ec9934e0f22008a6a61d0ca4-cafe-mado-3-still-first-frame.2x.rhorizontal.w710.jpg"> Photo: Hugo Yu <p>Lately, it seems like half the ingredients served to me in restaurants have more frequent-flier miles than I do: Wagyu beef with a Japanese-stamped passport, Australian ocean trout, tortillas made from milled-in-Mexico corn. I’m surprised anyone can still get a seat in the Centurion Lounges of the world’s airports with so many groceries flying around.</p><p><a href="https://info.cousinjimmys.com/cafe-mado-worthy-return-locavore-cooking" target="_blank">read more</a></p> finance New York oil options small social Thu, 19 Sep 2024 12:00:18 +0000 admin 752428 at https://info.cousinjimmys.com KC Black Owned’s fall summit returns this weekend with corporate backing, tools for Black entrepreneurs https://info.cousinjimmys.com/kc-black-owned%E2%80%99s-fall-summit-returns-weekend-corporate-backing-tools-black-entrepreneurs <p>A summit planned for Saturday at the Kansas City Convention Center aims to inspire Black business owners and equip them with the resources, strategies, and connections needed to thrive in today’s competitive marketplace.</p><p><a href="https://info.cousinjimmys.com/kc-black-owned%E2%80%99s-fall-summit-returns-weekend-corporate-backing-tools-black-entrepreneurs" target="_blank">read more</a></p> digital kansas city management options social Wed, 18 Sep 2024 18:59:49 +0000 admin 752387 at https://info.cousinjimmys.com ‘True’ Bangladeshi Cooking Comes to Queens https://info.cousinjimmys.com/%E2%80%98true%E2%80%99-bangladeshi-cooking-comes-queens <img src="https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/e8d/068/25f83fbb2b9086c2153606ed0a815c0362-beef-jura.2x.rhorizontal.w710.jpg"> Photo: Courtesy of Mezban House <p>In this beef eater’s town, there is always some new cow to go on about: the steaks, dry-aged and otherwise. Faddish new burgers. Barbecued ribs, both southern and Korean. Pastrami, hot dogs, French-dip sandwiches. The beef I want to talk about, though, is at <a href="https://houseofmezban.com/">Mezban House</a>, a new Bangladeshi restaurant that’s been making a lot of noise in an otherwise-quiet corner of Elmhurst.<p><a href="https://info.cousinjimmys.com/%E2%80%98true%E2%80%99-bangladeshi-cooking-comes-queens" target="_blank">read more</a></p> facebook New York oil small social Wed, 18 Sep 2024 12:00:43 +0000 admin 752371 at https://info.cousinjimmys.com For the Very Best Granola, Get to a Bakery https://info.cousinjimmys.com/very-best-granola-get-bakery <img src="https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/425/b77/87b9782973b7391826fc9d8ec50049a803-image0.2x.rhorizontal.w710.jpg"> Photo: Courtesy of Culture <p>On the Upper East Side, it’s easy to find the tiny gourmet store <a href="https://www.madisonfare.com/">Madison Fare</a>, since there’s usually a line stretching outside. Owner Amin Kinana can thank a viral frozen yogurt for that, but he says that for the two years he’s been open, he’s had a different best seller: granola.<p><a href="https://info.cousinjimmys.com/very-best-granola-get-bakery" target="_blank">read more</a></p> small social stock Tue, 17 Sep 2024 16:55:50 +0000 admin 752353 at https://info.cousinjimmys.com Soho Is Getting a New Artists’ Restaurant https://info.cousinjimmys.com/soho-getting-new-artists%E2%80%99-restaurant <img src="https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/70d/fc3/34b049ddad88b06443f2a9458e40e0e054--M0A3845-Final.2x.rhorizontal.w710.jpg"> Photo: Jeremy Liebman/Copyright 2024 Jeremy Liebman [email protected] <p>“Color is so important,” says Ewan Venters, CEO of the globe-spanning megagallery <a href="https://www.hauserwirth.com/">Hauser & Wirth</a> and its hospitality offshoot, <a href="https://artfarm.com/">Artfarm</a>. He’s here in New York to try a handful of dishes at Artfarm’s first restaurant in the city, <a href="https://manuela-nyc.com/">Manuela</a>.<p><a href="https://info.cousinjimmys.com/soho-getting-new-artists%E2%80%99-restaurant" target="_blank">read more</a></p> New York social Mon, 16 Sep 2024 13:05:13 +0000 admin 752318 at https://info.cousinjimmys.com Hy-Vee’s small biz competition sends Midwest entrepreneurs racing for $50K checkout; Here are the winners https://info.cousinjimmys.com/hy-vee%E2%80%99s-small-biz-competition-sends-midwest-entrepreneurs-racing-50k-checkout-here-are-winners <p>BaKIT Box, a Chicago-based subscription service offering baking kits inspired by diverse global cuisines, took home the $30,000 grand prize at the 2024 <a href="https://www.hy-vee.com/corporate/hy-vee-opportunity-summit/home/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Hy-Vee OpportUNITY Inclusive Business Summit. </a></p> <p>Shelley Gupta, the founder and CEO of <a href="https://www.bakitbox.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">BaKIT Box</a>, was thrilled to receive the grand prize, she said.</p><p><a href="https://info.cousinjimmys.com/hy-vee%E2%80%99s-small-biz-competition-sends-midwest-entrepreneurs-racing-50k-checkout-here-are-winners" target="_blank">read more</a></p> electric kansas city media mobile money small social tech technology Fri, 13 Sep 2024 21:37:48 +0000 admin 752296 at https://info.cousinjimmys.com How city dollars could help crime victims get back to business; Mayor unveils new fund to support struggling entrepreneurs  https://info.cousinjimmys.com/how-city-dollars-could-help-crime-victims-get-back-business-mayor-unveils-new-fund-support-strugglin <p>A newly introduced fund aimed at helping KCMO small businesses recover from and prevent property crimes — offering grants up to $3,000 for damage repairs and $5,000 for security upgrades — is a step in the right direction, said Joe Giammanco, whose pizza shop was recently hit by criminals.</p><p><a href="https://info.cousinjimmys.com/how-city-dollars-could-help-crime-victims-get-back-business-mayor-unveils-new-fund-support-strugglin" target="_blank">read more</a></p> financial fund kansas city small social web Fri, 13 Sep 2024 20:31:33 +0000 admin 752295 at https://info.cousinjimmys.com